XI International Aerospace Congress

Dedicated to the 90th Birth Anniversary of the First Astronaut of the World Yury GAGARIN

August 28 – 31, 2024, Moscow


August 28

Moscow Aviation Institute,
Bernikovskaya Embankment, Building 14 (Taganskaya, Kurskaya Metro Stations)

18:00 – Solemn Opening Ceremony of the Congress

August 29

Moscow Aviation Institute,
Bernikovskaya Embankment, Building 14 (Taganskaya, Kurskaya Metro Stations)

11:00 – 12:30 – Plenary Session, Auditorium 1

  • B. Volynov – Memories of Y. Gagarin

  • I. Barmin – The Founder of Ground Space Infrastructure (on the 115th Anniversary of Academician V. Barmin's Birth)

  • A. Kamentsev, E. Dudar – The Creative Path of Aircraft Designer G. Lozino-Lozinsky

13:00 – 18:00 – Section Sessions

Auditorium 1
  • 13:00 – 15:00

    Section 3

    Leaders: V. Alexandrov, S. Lemak, A. Filatyev

  • 15:00 – 16:00

    Section 1

    Leaders: A. Milovanov, V. Plokhikh

  • 16:00 – 16:30

    Section 2

    Leader: O. Alifanov, Deputy Leader: A. Nenarokomov

  • 16:30 – 17:00

    Section 5

    Leader: S. Bukharov

Auditorium 2
  • 13:00 – 17:00

    Section 4

    Leader: L. Yanovsky, Deputy Leader: V. Raznoschikov

Auditorium 3
  • 13:00 – 17:00

    Section 6

    Leader: V. Vasilyev

    The section will include a discussion round table on "Reliability of Technological Processes in RKT Production" (moderator: A. Ragutkin)

Auditorium 4
Auditorium 5
  • 13:00 – 17:00

    Section 13

    Leader: S. Kupreev, Deputy Leader: V. Ruchinsky

    Section 13 will include a report by Bertyayev V., Liberzon M., Ruchinsky V., and Ruchinskaya L. on "Scientific and Methodological Work to Improve Labor Legislation for the Protection of Constitutional and Labor Rights of Employees in Educational Institutions"

August 30

Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics,
Prospekt Mira, 111 (VDNKh Metro Station)

11:00 – 12:30 – Plenary Session

  • V. Savinykh – On the 90th Anniversary of A. Leonov's Birth

  • M. Kharlamov – On the Activities of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center

13:00 – 18:00 – Section Sessions

Organizers of the Congress

Lomonosov Moscow State University
International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University
Government of Moscow
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
State Corporation “ROSCOSMOS”
Russian Engineering Academy
Tsyolkovsky Russian Space Academy
Astronauts Federation of the Russian Federation
International Union of Scientific and Engineering Societies
Gagarin Center for Astronaut Training
Korolev Rocket Space Corporation “ENERGIYA”
Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center
Central Research Institute for Machinery Construction
Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography
Baranov Central Institute for Motorplant
Gromov Flight Research Institute
American International Support Foundation for MSATU
Memorial Museum of Astronautics
Federal Scientific and Manufacturing Center “Ramenskoye Design Co.”
Academician Glushko NPO “ENERGOMASH”
Medical-Biology Problems Institute

Organizing Committee

  • Yu. Borisov – Cheneral Director, State Corporation “Roscosmos”
  • V. Sadovnichy – academician, President, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Vice Chairman:
  • M. Liberzon – President, International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky MSATU; Vice-president, Russian Academy of Engineering;
  • V. Alexandrov – Head of Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • O. Alifanov – academician, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
  • I. Barmin – President, Tsyolkovsky Russian Space Academy; Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • V. Bondur – academician, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • S. Bukharov - Professor of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
  • L. Buravkova – Deputy Director for Science, Institute of Medical and Biological Problems; Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • S. Chernyshev – academician
  • A. Filatjev – Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • B. Gusev – President, International and Russian Engineering Academies; Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • С.А. Купреев - Профессор, Российский университет дружбы народов
  • M. Kharlamov – Head, Yu.A. Gagarin Research &Test Cosmonaut Training Center
  • V. Klimentov – Deputy Director for Science, Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics
  • V. Kovalenok – President, Federation of Cosmonautics of the Russian Federation; Twice Hero of the Soviet Union
  • S. Kupreev – Professor, RUDN
  • S. Lemak – professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • O. Orlov – academician, Director, Institute of Medical and Biological Problems
  • V. Savinykh – academician, President, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, Twice Hero of the Soviet Union
  • V. Sazonov – Dean, Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • K. Sipalo – General Director, Zhukovsky Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute; Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Yu. Solomko – Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics
  • A. Sorokin – Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Executive Secretary:
  • E. Zaychenkova – Deputy General Director, International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University

Congress Sections


Multiple used rocket and aerospace systems.
Technologies in the space

  • A. Milovanov
  • V. Plokhikh

Key Issues and Prospects for the Development of Reusable Transportation Rockets and Aerospace Systems

  • V. Plokhikh
  • A. Milovanov

Hysteresis in Electromechanical Systems for Charging the Battery of a Space Rover on Planets with an Atmosphere.

  • V. Budanov
  • M. Dosayev
  • Y. Selyutskiy

Feasibility of Non-Rocket Cargo Launch to Space Using Emdrive Technologies

  • V. Zubkov

Design Issues for a Flying Model of an Unmanned Tiltrotor for Mars Exploration

  • E. Karpovich
  • T. Kombayev
  • E. Forshter
  • D. Gueresh


Aerodynamics and Thermal Processes

  • O. Alifanov
Deputy Manager
  • A. Nenarkomov

Development of recommendations for constructing a computational grid for numerical modeling of flows in typical channels of gas turbine engine flow parts

  • D. Mechnik
  • P. Bryzgunov
  • S. Osipov

Vibrations of composite structural elements caused by thermal shock

  • E. Starovoytov

Experimental studies of thermal protection structures of the Buran orbital spacecraft

  • V. Timoshenko


Flight dynamics, aircraft and space simulators.

  • V. Alexandrov
  • S. Lemak
  • A. Filatyev

Requirements for Engine Characteristics for Long-Term Maintenance of Spacecraft on Planetary Orbits Using Only Replenishable Resources

  • A. Golikov
  • A. Filatyev
  • E. Kralykina
  • A. Sagalakov

Evaluation of Static Hysteresis Model Parameters of Aerodynamic Coefficients Based on Flight Experiment Data

  • O. Korsun
  • A. Stulovsky

Issues in Developing Anti-Icing Systems for Supersonic Civil Aircraft

  • G. Prostokvashina
  • A. Chestnov

Modeling and Identification in Aircraft Testing Practices

  • O. Korsun
  • S. Nikolaev

Effective Use of Final Stage Rocket Fuel Reserves

  • G. Ivanov
  • R. Murtazin

Accounting for the Influence of Asymmetry in Aerodynamic Flow When Modeling Aircraft Motion

  • A. Kashinin
  • E. Kuznetsov
  • O. Yanova
  • I. Morozova
  • V. Andreyevskaya

Stabilization of Satellite Motion Around the Center of Mass in the Geomagnetic Field

  • V. Kalenova
  • V. Morozov
  • A. Tikhonov

Flight Optimization of a Spacecraft with Air-Breathing Electric Jet Engine on Ultra-Low Planetary Orbits Considering Wind

  • A. Sagalakov
  • A. Filatyev

On Certain Modes of Deceleration of a Body in a Resisting Medium

  • V. Samsonov
  • Y. Okunev
  • O. Privalova

Safe Approach Scheme to the Russian Orbital Station, Adapted for Forced Transition to Manual Control

  • N. Chudinov

Optimal Thrust Control for Air-Breathing Electric Jet Engines to Maintain Spacecraft on Ultra-Low Orbits

  • O. Yanova
  • A. Filatyev
  • A. Golikov
  • I. Zadiriev

Modeling the Flow of Rarefied Gas in the Air Intake of a Satellite on Ultra-Low Earth Orbits

  • A. Yakunchikov


Propulsion Systems and Fuels

  • L. Yanovsky
Deputy Manager
  • V. Raznoschikov

Analysis of the impact of fuel energy indicators on the range of aircraft with jet engines

  • L. Yanovsky
  • D. Lempert
  • V. Raznoschikov
  • I. Averykov
  • A. Stolnikov
  • E. Dorofeenko

Use of a database of energy-condensed materials

  • I. Averykov
  • V. Raznoschikov
  • D. Lempert
  • A. Stolnikov
  • L. Yanovsky

Development of a software complex for simulation modeling of the "Aircraft – Power Plant – Fuel" system

  • L. Yanovsky
  • V. Raznoschikov
  • E. Surikov
  • I. Averykov
  • A. Stolnikov

Methodology for shaping the appearance of aircraft with jet engines on various fuels

  • I. Averykov
  • V. Raznoschikov
  • A. Stolnikov
  • L. Yanovsky

Possibility of creating an environmentally friendly auxiliary power unit for aviation.

  • I. Averykov
  • A. Baikov
  • V. Goltsov
  • E. Sverdlov
  • L. Yanovsky

Kinetics of liquid-phase oxidation of dicyclopentadiene derivatives

  • B. Psikha
  • L. Petrov
  • A. Molokanov
  • A. Molokanova
  • L. Yanovsky
  • W. Zhou

Quantum-chemical studies of dicyclopentadiene derivatives

  • B. Krisyuk
  • A. Molokanov
  • T. Sypsko
  • N. Plishkin
  • L. Yanovsky
  • W. Zhou

Application of artificial neural network technology in the formation of compositions of energy-condensed materials

  • A. Stolnikov
  • V. Raznoschikov
  • I. Averykov
  • L. Yanovsky
  • A. Zholudev
  • M. Kislev

Automation of 3D model formation of a gas generator based on simulation results

  • V. Potayenko
  • V. Raznoschikov
  • A. Stolnikov
  • I. Averykov
  • G. Tarasov
  • L. Yanovsky

Characteristic features of combustion of mixed low-temperature gas generator compositions

  • A. Baikov
  • G. Zaslavsky
  • L. Yanovsky

Detonation nanodiamonds as components of gas-generating compositions

  • N. Volkova
  • A. Zholudev
  • M. Kislev
  • I. Puchkovsky
  • A. Baikov
  • L. Yanovsky

Study of the effect of topping up fresh oil on the operational properties of oils for aviation gas turbines

  • L. Yanovsky
  • V. Yezhov
  • M. Ilyina
  • K. Smolentseva

Technical requirements for washing fluids for the flow part of gas turbines

  • used as drives for gas-pumping units

Expansion of the capabilities of producing composite materials and products from industrial raw material waste

  • A. Petunin
  • R. Muller
  • V. Ignatiev
  • A. Reznikov
  • E. Sluta
  • R. Safieva
  • V. Vinokurov

Integrated approach to fire bench tests of liquid fuels in combustion chambers of small gas turbines

  • D. Antonov
  • P. Strizhak
  • L. Yanovsky

Methodology for studying the thermal conductivity of metallic materials of gas turbine components in centrifugal acceleration fields

  • A. Lepeshkin

Methods for modeling the thermal state of turbine discs and blades in gas turbines during testing

  • A. Lepeshkin
  • C. Hu

Analysis of increasing the efficiency of helicopter power plants

  • A. Lepeshkin

Methodology for testing aircraft engines and their components for bird resistance

  • A. Lepeshkin
  • K. Aung

Development of a new version of GOST 10227 for fuels for jet engines

  • A. Vikhritskaya
  • M. Lobashova
  • U. Makhova
  • V. Savelenko
  • M. Yershov

Assessment of the component and elemental composition of pyrolysis products of medical waste

  • G. Tarasov
  • L. Yanovsky

Study of mixing two gas flows in a filtering layer of inert material using numerical methods

  • G. Tarasov
  • A. Zaychenko
  • E. Polyanchik
  • L. Yanovsky

Development of a fuel composition for aviation unleaded gasoline

  • N. Klimov
  • M. Yershov
  • K. Ovchinnikov
  • E. Podlesnova

Optimization of high-frequency ion engine characteristics for use on ultra-low near-Earth orbits

  • K. Vavilin
  • A. Golikov
  • S. Dvinin
  • V. Dudin
  • I. Zadiriyev
  • E. Kralkina
  • A. Nikonov
  • A. Filatiev
  • G. Shvidkiy

Computational methods for determining the content of biocarbon in the production of sustainable aviation fuel

  • M. Rutsko
  • N. Burov
  • U. Makhova
  • V. Savelenko
  • M. Yershov

Strategy for synthesizing high-energy hydrocarbon fuels with cyclopropane fragments in the molecule

  • Y. Tomilov
  • L. Menchikov

Co-processing of bio-oil into useful products by slow coking

  • N. Burov
  • M. Rutsko
  • U. Makhova
  • V. Savelenko
  • M. Yershov


Aerospace Materials and Technologies

  • S.V. Bukharov

Application of Neural Networks for Defect Detection on Metal Sheet Surfaces

  • V.L. Agamirov
  • L.V. Agamirov
  • V.A. Vestyak
  • M.A. Nosikov

Study of Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Heat-Resistant Alloy of the ALTEK System

  • E.V. Aryshensky
  • A.A. Levangina
  • S.V. Konovalov
  • S.O. Cherkasov

Development of a New Deformation Model Considering the Change in Anisotropy of Plastic Properties during Cold Stamping of Aluminum Alloys

  • E.V. Aryshensky
  • Y.A. Yerisov
  • E.D. Beglov
  • S.V. Konovalov

Impact of Solar Wind on the ISS

  • V.K. Kovalchuk


Quality Management and Certification

  • V. Vasilyev

Process Management Based on Digital Technologies

  • V. Vasilyev
  • S. Alexandrovа

Issues of Compatibility of GOSTs, Federal Standards, and Rules in the Field of Accreditation and Certification

  • A. Golyshev
  • T. Levina
  • A. Adilina

Quality Management in Innovative Manufacturing: Challenges and Opportunities

  • P. Arkhipov

Forming a List of Tasks for Developing an Enterprise Management System Based on Agile Methodologies

  • A. Akhramovich
  • E. Borisova
  • S. Odinokov

Risk-Oriented Thinking in Quality Management Systems

  • Y. Vavilin

Features of Applying Quality Tools in the Production of Calibration Samples for Non-Destructive Testing

  • A. Zubarev

Development of a Mathematical Model as a Tool for Managing the Quality of Manufactured Products (Automotive Industry)

  • A. Klentak
  • V. Kozlovsky

Metrology Tasks in Ensuring Quality in the Aerospace Industry

  • Y. Knysh

Adaptive Small Enterprise for Spaceflight

  • T. Levina
  • G. Grozovsky
  • A. Shaipova

The Problem of a Comprehensive Approach to Forecasting the Technical Maintenance and Repair Process of Testing Equipment at Deployment Locations

  • A. Lukyanov
  • O. Pantyukhin

Solving Consumer Feedback Issues in Quality Management Systems

  • M. Mukhin

Ensuring Key Quality Indicators of Technological Equipment in Automating the Loading Processes of Individual Items

  • E. Pantyukhina
  • S. Lukin
  • S. Vasin

Data Quality in Aerospace Projects: Issues of Duplication and Their Impact Throughout the Lifecycle

  • V. Petrov
  • O. Lobanov

Improving the Organization’s Standardization System in the Field of Compliance with Product Design Documentation

  • I. Borisov

Development, Implementation, and Certification of a Quality Management System in Compliance with GOST RV 0015-002-2020

  • A. Pashkov
  • A. Vladimirtsev
  • P. Lontsikh
  • E. Golovina
  • N. Lontsikh
  • A. Fedotova
  • M. Evloyeva

Implementing Data Analysis Methods in Quality Management Systems for Manufacturing Metallic Materials

  • A. Fayustov
  • V. Vasilyev

A Comprehensive Approach to Ensuring Rhythm and Effectiveness in Production Activities at Aircraft Development Enterprises

  • M. Fetisov
  • S. Vasin
  • V. Antsev
  • N. Trushin

Quality of Digital Product Development Teams

  • V. Azarov
  • A. Chekmaryov


Surface Service Complexes

  • I. Barmin

Consideration of issues related to the gas dynamics of the launch of the KRS «AMUR» based on flight test results at the VOSTOCHNY Cosmodrome

  • N. Abrosimov
  • T. Abdurashidov

Application of the launch platform in rocket launch complexes

  • N. Abrosimov
  • P. Krylov
  • A. Khairullin

Results of the creation and research of the fuel loading system for the acceleration block tanks

  • D. Alifanov
  • V. Borisov
  • V. Shulga
  • A. Nikolaev

Mobile technical objects of ground space infrastructure in the composition of the landing area and primary servicing complex of the returning module of the crewed spacecraft

  • A. Amosova
  • A. Amosov
  • M. Kapitonov

Application of technical solutions for automated preparation of the launch vehicle implemented in the «ZENIT» launch complex, for the creation of the «SOYUZ-5/BAITERIK» launch complex

  • A. Bogomolov
  • R. Yakhin
  • N. Abramov

Vacuum installation complex at the VOSTOCHNY Cosmodrome for conducting checks (tests) of the tightness of aggregates, systems, and compartments of spacecraft

  • I. Bondarev
  • V. Bratanov

Features of creating the KRS «AMUR» launch complex at the VOSTOCHNY Cosmodrome under conditions of phased readiness for flight tests

  • M. Lyapin
  • N. Abrosimov
  • A. Bogomolov

TsENKI – 30: Preserving the past, creating the future today

  • D. Nasirov

Group of integrated indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of technical complexes at cosmodromes for preparing rocket and space technology products considering the full life cycle

  • A. Sinelshchikov
  • D. Dragun


Medical and Biological Problems


Ergonomics and Human Factor


Actual Aspects Economics and Management of Space Activity

  • R. Golov

Key Technologies of Digital Transformation for High-Tech Industrial Enterprises

  • R. Golov

Prospects for the Formation of Industrial-Intellectual Interaction of High-Tech Industrial Enterprises within a Cluster

  • K. Anisimov

Current Aspects of Using Digital Twins in the Aerospace Industry

  • N. Arsenyeva
  • G. Tikhonov
  • L. Putyatina

Regulatory Agreement as a New Way of Regulating Tariffs in the Heat Energy Sector

  • B. Babich

Adaptation to New Realities: Enhancing Competitiveness for Accelerated Development of the Aerospace Industry

  • L. Kostygova
  • O. Barmin

Overview of Modern Technologies for Digital Transformation of High-Tech Industrial Enterprises

  • A. Bogatov

Fundamentals of Implementing Industrial Internet of Things Technology in the Context of Digital Transformation of a High-Tech Industrial Enterprise

  • G. Golov

Preventiveness and Personalization in Managing Human Potential of a High-Tech Enterprise

  • S. Gubanova

Organizational-Economic Mechanism of Controlling in a High-Tech Enterprise

  • N. Danilochkina
  • N. Cherner

Approach to Quantitative Risk Assessment of Project Schedule Disruptions for the Development, Production, and Testing of New Products for Aerospace Enterprises

  • I. Demkin

Formation of the Digital Economy in High-Tech Industry Sectors

  • E. Eliseeva

Impact of Digital Transformation on the Competitiveness of Industrial Enterprises in Russia

  • V. Silakova
  • S. Zhajin

Impact of Material Resource Management on Technological Independence during Import Substitution in the Aviation Industry

  • V. Kaibeleva

State Regulation of Private Space Entrepreneurship: Global Experience and Opportunities for Russia

  • S. Kamolov
  • M. Kamolov

Small Hydropower Worldwide: Development Prospects

  • A. Sharkova
  • M. Kapustina

Conceptual Foundations for Implementing Collaborative Industrial Robots in Industrial Enterprises under Industry 4.0 Conditions

  • S. Konovalov

Development of a Questionnaire and Data Analysis for Targeted Work on Manned Space Complexes

  • S. Korsakov

State and Prospects of Aerospace Industry Development: Foreign Experience

  • L. Kostygova

Detection of Collusion in the Procurement Market of High-Tech Organizations with State Participation

  • V. Silakova
  • G. Krylov

Digital Transformation of Business Processes for Monitoring Resource Sustainability in High-Tech Industrial Sectors

  • V. Silakova
  • Y. Lavrukhin

Prospects for Applying Digital Twin Technology in Russian Industry

  • D. Leontiev

Conceptual and Strategic Directions in Enhancing Economic Security

  • V. Lunyev

Building an Integrated Training System Based on Lean Manufacturing Principles

  • N. Mezina

Modern Approaches to Assessing Digital Maturity of High-Tech Industrial Enterprises

  • A. Mylnik

Practical Aspects of Developing 3D Printing Technology in Russian Industrial Enterprises

  • R. Nigmatov

Aspects of Synchronizing Goals and Methods of Resource Allocation in IT System Development in the Aviation Industry

  • A. Osipenko

Technological Development of Aerospace Enterprises in the Russian Federation

  • E. Perkova

Prospects for Implementing Circular Economy Principles in the Aerospace Industry

  • P. Permyakov

Main Directions for the Development of Intelligent Manufacturing

  • N. Polzunova

Applied Foundations for Implementing Predictive Analytics Technology within the Framework of Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises

  • D. Prokofyev

Improving Energy Efficiency as a Tool for Sustainable Development of Aerospace Production

  • M. Pushkarev

Features of Ensuring Sustainable Development of Rocket and Space Industry Enterprises

  • M. Pushkareva

Ensuring Astronaut Safety During Targeted Work

  • S. Korsakov
  • V. Smirnov

Aerospace Industry: Directions and Development Issues

  • D. Sorokin

Innovation Marketing in the Space Industry: Methods and Tools for Achieving Success

  • M. Sumerkin

Small Hydropower Worldwide: Development Prospects

  • A. Sharkova
  • M. Kapustina

Problems of Innovative Development of Space Complex Enterprises in the Context of Digitalization

  • A. Yakimov
  • V. Silakova


Aerospace Information Systems, Monitoring

  • V. Savinykh

Comparison of Ground-Based and Satellite Methods for Obtaining Meteorological Data

  • Yu. Belycheva
  • N. Lukyanenko

Exploration of Hydrocarbon Deposits on the Continental Shelf

  • V. Bondur
  • S. Krikalev
  • M. Liberson
  • P. Pogorodny
  • V. Savinykh

Effective Strategies for Digitalization of Aerospace Enterprises in the Era of Sanctions

  • A. Vartanyan


Ecologycal Problems


Space Tether Systems, Operation of Nano-Satellites

  • S. Kupriev
Deputy Manager
  • V. Ruchinsky

Development of recommendations for constructing a computational grid for numerical modeling of flows in typical channels of gas turbine engine flow parts

  • D. Mechnik
  • P. Bryzgunov
  • S. Osipov

Vibrations of composite structural elements caused by thermal shock

  • E. Starovoytov

Experimental studies of thermal protection structures of the Buran orbital spacecraft

  • V. Timoshenko


Education Technologies


History of Aviation and Space Exploration

  • V. Klimentov
  • Y. Solomko

Periodization of the History of Domestic Space Exploration in the Context of the Collection of the Space Museum

  • V. Klimentov
  • I. Marinov

The Space Elite of Russia

  • T. Gevorkyan

Space Exploration. The Beginning

  • L. Kitaev-Smyk

Nordhausen – City of Rockets and Death

  • V. Lositsky

Reflection of Y. A. Gagarin’s Life Path in the Exhibition of the Museum-Preserve

  • S. Esipov

On the Flights of M. V. Vodopyanov and V. V. Tereshkova: Historical Background and Context

  • S. Panferov

The Space Class in a Moscow School: History of Formation and Development

  • A. Khabrova

Comparison of Features of Manned Spacecraft from the USSR (Russia), USA, and China

  • I. Ovchinnikov

First Practical Steps in Global Navigation

  • Y. Kuznetsov


Professional Activities of Crews of Human Space and Aviation Complex’s Crews (Selection, Training, Flight, Rehabilitation)

  • M. Kharlamov
Deputy Manager
  • V. Dubinin

Changes in Psychomotor Activity of Cosmonauts with Different Somatotypes After Conducting Extravehicular Activity Training in Hydrosphere Conditions

  • T. Kukoba
  • A. Altunin
  • K. Kireev

The Need for Automation of the Comprehensive Training Process for Crews of Orbital Manned Systems

  • A. Kuritsin
  • T. Kopa

Features of Training Cosmonauts on Complex and Specialized Trainers of the International Space Station

  • A. Kuritsin
  • A. Shkaplerov
  • T. Kopa

The Possibility of Remote Monitoring of a Cosmonaut's Psychoemotional State by Screening the Visual Analyzer

  • A. Spirkin
  • A. Krylov
  • E. Spirkin

On-Board Training of Cosmonauts for Lunar Missions

  • D. Temartsev
  • V. Dmitriev
  • A. Kovinsky

International program committee

  • O. Alifanov – Professor of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), academician of Russian Academy of Sciences
  • M. Liberzon – President, International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University; Vice-president, Russian Academy of Engineering
  • V. Alexandrov (Russia)
  • I. Bar-Itzhack (Israel)
  • V. Bondur (Russia)
  • I. Barmin (Russia)
  • A. Bensoussan (France)
  • S. Bukharov (Russia)
  • L. Buravkova (Russia)
  • A. Chebunichev (Russia)
  • A. Cherepashjuk (Russia)
  • S. Chernyshev (Russia)
  • J-L. Chretien (France)
  • L. Cohen (USA)
  • E. Dudar (Russia)
  • A. Efremenkov (Russia)
  • V. Klimentov (Russia)
  • E. Elst (Belgium)
  • A. Emelin (Russia)
  • A. Filatjev (Russia)
  • A. Galeev (Russia)
  • R. Golov (Russia)
  • V. Gorbatenko (Russia)
  • С.А.Купреев (Россия)
  • I. Gorodetsky (Russia)
  • B. Gusev (Russia)
  • E. Kablov (Russia)
  • B. Katorgin (Russia)
  • M. Kharlamov (Russia)
  • V. Klein (USA)
  • V. Klimentov (Russia)
  • P. Klimuk (Russia)
  • V. Kovalenok (Russia)
  • P. Kramer (Germany)
  • S. Krikalev (Russia)
  • S. Kupreev (Russia)
  • S. Lemak
  • J. Lieberherr (France)
  • J. Longe (Italy)
  • A. Laveykin (Russia)
  • A. Lukovnikov (Russia)
  • A. Lukovnikov (Russia)
  • P. Lytkin (Russia)
  • P. Lytkin (Russia)
  • F. Ma (PRC)
  • M. Maita (Japan)
  • A. Majorov (Russia)
  • B. Malinnikov (Russia)
  • V. Menshikov (Russia)
  • A. Milovanov (Russia)
  • D. Naunin (Germany)
  • V. Nikulin (Russia)
  • V. Novikov (Russia)
  • H. Ohashi (Japan)
  • Yu. Okunev (Russia)
  • O. Orlov (Russia)
  • R. Pishel (France)
  • V. Plokhich (Russia)
  • M. Pogosyan (Russia)
  • O. Saprikin (Russia)
  • V. Savinykh (Russia)
  • S. Savitskaya (Russia)
  • V. Sazonov (Russia)
  • K. Sipalo (Russia)
  • V. Skibin (Russia)
  • V. Skorodelov (Russia)
  • A. Smurov (Russia)
  • Yu. Solomko (Russia)
  • A. Sorokin (Russia)
  • M. Thoma (Germany)
  • I. Ushakov (Russia)
  • V. Vasiliev (Russia)
  • L. Yanovsky (Russia)
  • K. Yolkin (Russia)

Abstract requirements

  • Authors should submit one page abstract in English
  • Format A4, 2 space typing.
  • Font size (8 point pointtype) – 12.

    Font – Arial.

    Margins - 2 cm on each side.

    Word Editor 6.0, 7.0.

  • Title of the paper, topic, name(s) of author(s) (initials to be shown after surname), address, telephone, fax, e-mail should be given.

The abstract should be sent by May 15, 2024 (extended to June 15) to e-mail: elena@fund.ru


Abstracts of accepted papers will be published in the Book of Abstracts, which participants will get at the registration. Proceedings will be published after the Congress.

Registration fee

Registration fee of 30 000 Russian Rubles includes supply with Congress materials, Book of Abstracts, Proceedings, consultations, translations, coffee-breaks, Welcome Reception, Special Reception, excursions.

Payment should be made by August 1, 2024

An application to the Special Congress Fund and a monetary contribution must be sent by August 15, 2024

Bank information


Mailing Address: 107006, Russia, Moscow, Petrovka str. 30/7, pp. 1, entrance 2, office 7

Taxpayer Identification Number (INN): 7707076550

KPP, Industrial Enterprises Classifier: 770701001

Bank Identification Code: 044525411

Beneficiary's bank: Branch 'Central' Bank VTB, Moscow

Correspondent account number: 30101810145250000411

Account number: 40703810700000010162

The organization must be indicated on the payment slip: MFP MGATU

Purpose of payment: Registration for International Aerospace Congress

History of Congresses

X International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2021

Dedicated to 60th Anniversary of the first in the history of mankind space flight by Yuri Gagarin

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IX International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2018

Dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the successful flight of the Buran orbital spaceship

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VIII International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2015

Dedicated to 50 years of the First-Ever Spacewalk and to 70 years of the United Nations

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VII International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2012

Dedicated to the 55th Anniversary of the launch of the First Artificial Satellite

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VI International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2009

Dedicated to the 75th Birth Anniversary of the First Astronaut of the Earth Yury Gagarin

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V International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2006

Dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of the Orbital Launch of Space Station “MIR”

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IV International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, September 2003

Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of aviation

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III International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2000

Dedicated to the 35th Anniversary of the First-Ever Spacewalk, to the 25th Anniversary of Cooperation in Space APOLLO – SOYUZ and 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding aircraft designer S.A. Lavochkin

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II International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, September 1997

Dedicated to the 40th Anniversary of the launch of the First Artificial Satellite and to the 850th Anniversary of the founding of the City of Moscow

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I International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 1994

Dedicated to the 60th Birth Anniversary of the First Astronaut of the Earth Yury Gagarin

Read More



Moscow Aviation Institute,
Bernikovskaya Embankment, Building 14 (subway stations “Taganskaya,” “Kurskaya”)