International Aerospace Congress

VII International Aerospace Congress

VII International Aerospace Congress

Dedicated to the 55th Anniversary of the launch of the First Artificial Satellite

Moscow. August 26 - 31, 2012

Academic building “Shuvalovsky” of the Lomonosov Moscow State University

The Seventh International Aerospace Congress IAC’12 dedicated to the 55th Anniversary of the launch of the First Artificial Satellite took place in Moscow from August 26 to 31, 2012 in the academic building “Shuvalovsky” of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. 1260 representatives of 19 countries took part in the Congress – they are prominent scientists and engineers, astronauts, heads of national aerospace agencies, firms, companies, members of state structures, students of technical universities. The Opening Ceremony of the Congress was held in the Conference Hall. Members of the top management of Federal Space Agency of the Russian Federation, Moscow Government, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Engineering, NASA, European Space Agency (ESA), Yu.A. Gagarin Research & Test Cosmonaut Training Centre, Russian and foreign companies, organizations and ministries, famous Russian and foreign scientists, astronauts and cosmonauts took part in the Opening Ceremony of the Congress and addressed with greetings to participants.

The Program of the Congress estimated 9 plenary lectures, 21 sections with 495 reports and 3 panel discussions.

In plenary lectures that were presented by heads of Korolev Co. “Energia” (V.A. Lopota), TsNIIMash (G.G. Rajkunov et al.), Khrunichev Space Center (V.E. Nesterov et al.), NASA (Michael Surber), ESA (Rene Pischel), National Space Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan (T.A. Musabaev), a detailed analysis of the modern state of theory and practice of the space research was given and plan of the aerospace branch development in various countries for the nearest future and in the long term was discussed. The plenary lecture on behalf of Gagarin Cosmonaut Center “Current issues of cosmonauts’ professional activity (selection, preparation, space flight, post-flight rehabilitation)” (S.K. Krikalev et al.) highlighted issues that were named in the title and gave rise to the work of the 21st section and the panel discussion on the same topic.

V.P. Savinykh and V.A. Malinnikov, executives of Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, delivered results of space monitoring of northern territories of Russia and pointed out current issues related to the changes of terrain, ice and water surface areas. The report made by V.A. Frolov, rector of “MATI” – Tsiolkovsky Russian State Technological University – was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the University.

International Program Committee

Chairman of the Organizing Committee:

  • V. Popovkin, General Director of Roskosmos

Chairman of the International Program Committee:

  • Yu. Osipov, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Opening Ceremony of the Congress

Congress Program

Plenary sessions

Strategy of russian space activities till 2030 and futher

  • V. Popovkin
  • V. Davydov

Prospective russian projects on fundamental space researches, realized statements of the “Strategy of russian space activities till 2030 and futher”

  • G. Raykunov
  • G. Karabadjak
  • K. Elkin
  • Yu. Kudryavtsev

Topical problems of cosmonaut professional activity (selection, training, spaceflight, post-flight rehabilitation)

  • S. Krikalev
  • B. Kryuchkov
  • I. Sokhin

NASA future programs

  • Michael Surber (USA)

Space cooperation between ESA and the Russian Federation

  • René Pischel (France)

Paths for cosmonautics development

  • V. Lopota

Reusable rocket launchers – further step in space rocket transport means’ development

  • V. Nesterov
  • A. Kuzin
  • P. Lekhov – Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center

Perspective plans of the national space agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  • T. Musabaev - National Space Agency of the Republic of the Kazakhstan

Space topographic monitoring of the northern territories of Russia

  • V. Savinykh
  • V. Malinnikov

Moscow institute of geodesy, aerial photography and cartography engineers «MATI - Tsyolkovsky Moscow state aviation technological university» - 80th anniversary

  • V. Frolov - Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University

Discussion round table

Topic: Current problems of professional activity of cosmonauts (selection, training, space flight, post-flight rehabilitation)


  • S. Krikalev – Head of the Yu. Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
  • Experience in preparing cosmonauts for professional activities on board the International Space Station


    • Kuritsyn A.A.
    • Kharlamov M.M.
  • Adaptive-competence-based approach to solving the problem of cosmonaut training quality management in the interests of guaranteed safety and reliability of space flights


    • Sokhin I.G.
  • Methods and algorithms for quality control of the crew’s performance of dynamic operations of approach, mooring and docking


    • Burdaev M.N.
    • Saev V.N.
  • On the question of forming a theoretical basis for designing complexes of technical facilities for cosmonaut training


    • Naumov B.A.
  • Experience in development and development trends of space simulators


    • Shevchenko L.E.
  • Methods for simulation of on-board computing complexes in simulators of manned spacecraft


    • Polunina E.V.
  • Current state and prospects for the development of technologies for visual and instrumental observations of the earth from space by the crew of the russian segment of the ISS


    • Vasiliev V.I.
    • Kryuchkov B.I.
    • Gordienko O.S.
    • Sokhin I.G.
  • Features of dialogue interaction of cosmonauts with the robot-assistant of the crew of the space complex when solving flight problems


    • Kryuchkov B.I.
    • Usov V.M.
  • Proposals for the development of an anthropomorphic robotic system to support the extravehicular activities of cosmonauts


    • Zaitsev M.A.
  • Selection and preparation of NASA astronauts for space flights


    • astronaut Mark Vande Hay (USA)

Symposium dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University

Chairman of the Organizing Committee:

  • Frolov V.A.

Deputy chairmen:

  • Stavrovsky M.E.
  • Vasiliev V.A.

Members of the Organizing Committee:

  • Sukhov S.V.
  • Grabilnikov A.S.
  • Liberzon M.R.
  • Galkin V.I.
  • Popov V.G.
  • Suminov I.V.
  • Ilyin A.A.
  • Agamirov L.V.
  • Golov R.S.
  • Uvarov V.N.
  • Nikitin S.L.
  • “MATI” – Tsiolkovsky RGTU 80 years old


    • Frolov V.A.
  • Quality management of rocket and space equipment products


    • Vasiliev V.A.
    • Kobzar A.I.
    • Sholom A.M.
  • History of development of the faculty of aviation technology


    • Galkin V.I.
  • Innovative aerospace engineering technologies


    • Popov V.G.
  • Faculty of “Information systems and technologies”


    • Suminov I.V.
  • Use of numerical methods for mathematical modeling within the framework of quality management of complex technological processes


    • Bogdanov A.V.
    • Odinokov S.A.
  • Method for analysis of technical risk of parallel execution of design and technological preparation of production


    • Yurin V.N.
    • Malikov S.B.
  • Development of the application of computer engineering in engineering education


    • Yurin V.N.

Plenary report by V. Frolov, President of "MSATU" – Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University

Contest the best reports from students, graduate students, young scientists and aerospace specialists

Chairman of the competition commission:

  • professor M. Liberzon, Deputy Chairman of the Congress Organizing Committee

Accredited media

  • Scientific TV at the Institute for Science Development
  • Aerospace Courier magazine
  • Magazine "Veteran of Baikonur"
  • Information Agency "News of Russia"
  • “Expert TV”
  • Federal Archival Agency
  • Radio station “Voice of Russia”
  • Committee for Support of Reforms of the President of the Russian Federation
  • TV channel “Moscow Region”
  • “Voice of Russia” and TV Company “PUL”
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