International Aerospace Congress

VIII International Aerospace Congress

VIII International Aerospace Congress

Dedicated to 50 years of the First-Ever Spacewalk and to 70 years of the United Nations

Moscow. August 28 - 31, 2015

The Eighth International Aerospace Congress IAC'15 dedicated to 50 years of the First-Ever Spacewalk and to 70 years of the United Nations, which was held in Moscow, August 28 – 31, 2015 in the New educational buildings “Shuvalovsky” and “Lomonosovsky” of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. 1075 representatives of 10 countries took the part in the Congress – they are prominent scientists and engineers, astronauts, heads of national aerospace agencies, firms, companies, members of state structures, students of technical institutes. The Opening Ceremony of the Congress was held in the Conference Hall. Members of the top management of Federal Space Agency of the Russian Federation, Moscow Government, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Engineering, NASA, European Space Agency (ESA), Yu.A. Gagarin Research & Test Cosmonaut Training Centre, Russian and foreign companies, organizations and ministries, famous Russian and foreign scientists, astronauts and cosmonauts took part in the Opening Ceremony of the Congress and addressed with greetings to participants.

Four plenary presentations, plenary session in the form “questions-answers” with participation of cosmonauts and astronauts, representatives of NASA, ESA, national space agencies, “round table” discussion on the topic “Journalists about the Space” were included in the Congress’ program. 495 regular papers were presented and discussed at the 21 sections.

Alexey A. Leonov, cosmonaut, Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, in his plenary lecture described the first man spacewalk which he made 50 years ago. Plenary report of the governing body of the Gagarin Research & Test Cosmonaut Training Center – Yu.V. Lonchakov, V.A. Sivolap and A.A. Kuritsyn – “Main Directions of Innovative Activity of Gagarin Research & Test Cosmonaut Training Center in Order to Ensure Perspective Development of the Domestic Manned Space Exploration” has presented the key directions of activities of the Center in development of the manned space flights. In the plenary lecture by the leaders of the Lomonosov Moscow State University V.A. Sadovnichy and M.I. Panasyuk “The Main Research in the Space Exploration in the Moscow State University” the review of achievements of the University researches in this area was given. The famous designer and statesman in aircraft industry A.Ya. Knivel in his plenary report “IL-96M/T. About One Unsuccessful Project” presented a history about construction, development, and stopping of production of the aircraft IL-96M/T.

Reports discussed in the sections covered almost all trends in aerospace and related areas, provided that both results and prospects of fundamental research and engineering development, manufacturing aspects and branch issues were considered.

Participants of the Congress notice its high academic level, practical relevance, important part in progress in science and technology growth, great positive effect on the development of international cooperation.

During free discussion and debates of participants of the Congress were formulated the most important general statements, which reflect objective up-to-date conditions of development and use of aerospace engineering, considering specific features of aerospace activity worldwide.

Opening Ceremony of the Congress

Plenary sessions

Chairman of the Organizing Committee:

  • I. Komarov, General Director of Roskosmos

Chairman of the International Program Committee:

  • V. Fortov, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences

First-ever spacewalk

  • A. Leonov, cosmonaut Twice Hero of the Soviet Union

Achievements of the Lomonosov Moscow State University in space exploration

  • V. Sadovnichiy, President of the Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • M. Panasyuk, Director, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Main directions of innovative activity of the Gagarin cosmonaut training center

  • Y. Lonchakov, cosmonaut Hero of Russia, Chief of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center

Plenary speech by test pilot-cosmonaut Twice Hero of the Soviet Union A. Leonov

Plenary session in “Question-and-Answer” format


  • Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee and Deputy Chairman International Program Committee Professor M. Liberzon


  • cosmonauts and astronauts, Representatives of NASA, ESA, National space agencies

Participants of the “Question-and-Answer” session
From left to right: cosmonauts S. Ryazansky, E. Serova, Head of Manned NASA programs in Russia Dr. S. Fuller (USA), translator, cosmonaut B. Farkas (Hungary)

Round table on the topic “Journalists about space”


  • V. Gubarev, writer, playwright, science journalist

Media accredited to the Congress

  • News Agency "Media Times"
  • Information and analytical business magazine “My Moscow”
  • Magazine "Development Strategy and National Security"
  • International scientific and technical journal "Oil and Gas Field Engineering"
  • Media holding PRAVDA.RU
  • Russian international satellite TV channel “RT” (RussiaToday)
  • "Ekograd" magazine
  • Information agency LentaCom.Ru
  • "Poisk" - newspaper of the scientific community
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