International Aerospace Congress

I International Aerospace Congress

I International Aerospace Congress

Dedicated to the 60th Birth Anniversary of the First Astronaut of the Earth Yury Gagarin

Moscow. August 14 - 19, 1994

The First International Aerospace Congress IAC'1994 was held in Moscow, Russia, August 14-19, 1994. More than 1000 scientists, designers, engineers, astronauts from 29 countries participated in the IAC'1994. It allowed to extend the contacts among different groups of representatives of aerospace complexes, provided the unique possibility to exchange the obtained knowledge and experience in the field of space science and technology. 767 papers were presented and included in Proceedings of the IAC'1994.

Plenary sessions

Chairman of the Organizing Committee:

  • A. Ishlinsky, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Chairman of the International Program Committee:

  • Yu. Osipov, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Concept and Major Areas of Russia's Space Activity at the Present Stage

  • Yu.N. Koptev, General Director of Rosaviakosmos

Developing the Delta Clipper for Low-Cost Future Space Transportation System

  • W. Gaubatz (Germany)

Development of Aerospace Research in Ukraine

  • O.S. Urusky (Ukraine)

International Cooperative Science Opportunities with NASA's Microgravity Science Research Program

  • R. Rome (USA)

Concept of Reentry Transport Aerospace Vehicles

  • A.G. Bratukhin
  • G.E. Lozino-Dozinsky
  • G.I. Zagainov(Russia)

European Space Agency

  • F. Engstrom (France)

State Space Program of the Russian Federation

  • V.V. Alaverdov
  • B.V. Bodin
  • N.T. Zhulin
  • Yu.N. Koptev
  • Yu.E. Levitsky
  • Yu.I. Lukyashchenko
  • N.F. Moiseev
  • V.P. Senkevich
  • V.F. Utkin (Russia)

Within the framework of the International Aerospace Congress, a meeting of the Founding Congress of the International Trustee Found of the K. Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University was held.

Extract from the protocol #1

Of the Founders Congress of the International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University from the "17" of August 1994.

The Founders Congress was held in Moscow on the territory of the State Space Scientific-Industrial Center named after M.V. Chrunichev.

In the work of the Founders Congress took part:

  • William Bozhich - Management Director of the McDonnell Douglas Aerospace, USA
  • Boris Bondarev - General Director of the open type joint -stock company "All-Russian Institute of Light Alloys", Russia
  • Alexander Gurov - Vice-Head of Department of the Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Russia
  • Alexander Demakov - General Director of the scientific-technical company "Petrovka", Russia
  • Sergey Zhiltsov - Head of Department of the State Space Scientific-Industrial Center named after M.V. Chrunichev, Russia
  • Vladimir Zmeyev - Associate Professor of the Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Russia
  • Evgueny Karachenkov - Vice-General Director of the State Space Scientific-Industrial Center named afte M.V. Chrunichev, Russia
  • Shlomo Carmi - Head of Department of the Philadelphia Drexel University, USA
  • Anatoly Kiselev - General Director of the State Space Scientific-Industrial Center named after M.V. Chrunichev, Russia
  • Leslie Cohen - Director of Leading Technologies Programs of McDonnell Douglas Aerospace, USA
  • Ludmila Kohanova - Vice-Dean of the Journalistic College of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russia
  • Peter Kramer - Director of the German Aerospace Agency (DASA), Germany
  • Serguey Krukov - General Director of the Moscow Institute of Electromechanics and Automatics, Russia
  • Mark Liberzon - Professor of the Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Russia
  • Leo Lynch - President of the Sundstrand Corporation Aerospace, USA
  • Victor Marone - Vice-President of the Sundstrand Corporation Aerospace, USA
  • Harry Mitchell - Vice-President of the Sundstrand Corporation Aerospace, USA
  • Boris Mitin - President of the Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Russia
  • Vladimir Nosov - Director of the Stupino filial of the Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Russia
  • Aris Petasis - Director of the Nicosia Phillips College and Head of the International Consult in Business Corporation "Petasis & Ass." Cyprus
  • Anatoly Petrov - Senior Vice-President of the Moscow Stat; Aviation Technological University, Russia
  • Peter Preu - Director of the Financial Department of the German Space Agency (DARA), Germany
  • Dennis Pivnyuk - Head of Department of the State Space Scientific-Industrial Center named after M.V. Chrunichev, Russia
  • Edward Sloot - Director of Department of the Canadian Space Agency, Canada
  • Appolon Systsov - Vice-President of the Joint-Stock Company "Aviaprom", Russia
  • Toru Tanabe - Head of Aeronautics Department of the Tokyo University, Japan
  • Mikhail Tyutyaev - Management Director of the company "Promtrubstal", Russia
  • Mikhail Frantskevich - Chairman of the Board of the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank "Aviabank", Russia
  • Rady Shalin - Director of the State Enterprise "All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials", Russia

Footnote: the synchronous interpretation of the Founders Congress participants speeches from Russian into English and from English into Russian was performed by the interpreter Yury Bagaev, the shorthand record was made by Olga Strakhova.

For the managing of the Founders Congress work there was elected the Presidium consisting of three persons:

  • Professor M.R. Liberzon, the Chairman
  • Professor B.S. Mitin, the Member
  • Associate Professor V.A. Zmeev, the Secretary

The Agenda of the Founders Congress

About the International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University foundation.

On the first issue of the Founders Congress agenda was listened the report of the President of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Professor B.S. Mitin.

In the report was briefly characterized the current condition of the University in the highschool system of Russian Federation.

On the first issue of the agenda spoke: A. Systsov (Russia), L. Cohen (USA), E. Karachenkov (Russia), A. Petasis (Cyprus), M. Liberzon (Russia), P. Kramer (Germany) and A. Gurov (Russia), who supported the idea of the International Trustee Fund of the MSATU foundation and who promised to assist the University development.

Then the procedure of concluding the Founders Contract about the International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow Aviation State Technological University foundation was held.

After that the Founders Congress admitted the resolutions.

Resolution #1: The Founders Congress announced about the foundation on the "17" of August 1994 in Moscow of the International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University.

The Chairman of Presidium of the Founders Congress:

  • M.R. Liberzon

The Secretary of Presidium of the Founders Congress:

  • V.A. Zmeyev
X International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2021

Dedicated to 60th Anniversary of the first in the history of mankind space flight by Yuri Gagarin

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IX International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2018

Dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the successful flight of the Buran orbital spaceship

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VIII International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2015

Dedicated to 50 years of the First-Ever Spacewalk and to 70 years of the United Nations

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VII International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2012

Dedicated to the 55th Anniversary of the launch of the First Artificial Satellite

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VI International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2009

Dedicated to the 75th Birth Anniversary of the First Astronaut of the Earth Yury Gagarin

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V International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2006

Dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of the Orbital Launch of Space Station “MIR”

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IV International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, September 2003

Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of aviation

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III International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2000

Dedicated to the 35th Anniversary of the First-Ever Spacewalk, to the 25th Anniversary of Cooperation in Space APOLLO – SOYUZ and 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding aircraft designer S.A. Lavochkin

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II International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, September 1997

Dedicated to the 40th Anniversary of the launch of the First Artificial Satellite and to the 850th Anniversary of the founding of the City of Moscow

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