International Aerospace Congress

IV International Aerospace Congress

IV International Aerospace Congress

Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of aviation

Moscow. August 18 - 23, 2003

The Fourth International Aerospace Congress IAC'2003, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of aviation, was held jointly with the International Aerospace Salon «MAKS-2003». 756 scientists and specialists from 26 countries took part in the work of 20 sections of the Congress. Proceedings of the Congress have been published. Within the framework of the Congress, a Symposium dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Academician Alexander Ishlinsky and the Aerospace 2003 Exhibition were held. 327 papers were heard in the field of current scientific, technical, environmental, biomedical, economic, educational and other problems of the aerospace complex.

As a result of the free discussion Russian and foreign participants in the Congress, objective modern requirements for the development and use of aviation and space technology were formulated.

Meetings of the Congress sections were held at Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Presidium of the Opening Ceremony of the Congress

International Program Committee

Chairman of the Organizing Committee:

  • Yu. Koptev, General Director of Rosaviakosmos

Chairman of the International Program Committee:

  • Yu. Osipov, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Congress Program

Plenary sessions

Prospects of development of russian astronautics

  • Yu. Koptev
  • N. Moiseev
  • B. Bodin

ICAO: “Settings the standards for international civil aviation”

  • V. Zubkov

Prospects of cooperation development between europe and russia in the space field

  • A. Fournier-Sicre

Belorussian – russian space program “COSMOS-BR”

  • S. Ablameyko
  • V. Menshikov
  • A. Kravtsov

Multipurpose aerospace system

  • A.S. Bashilov

On basic design considerations for an aerospacecraft

  • I.F. Obraztsov

System of small space vehicles for monitoring geodinic activity and ecological state of the environment

  • V.N. Oraevsky
  • V.A. Alekseev

Congress materials

Symposium dedicated to the 90th anniversary from the day of the birth of Academician Alexander Yulievich Ishlinsky

Symposium program


  • V.A. Sadovnichy, President, Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Yu.S. Osipov, President, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • B.V. Gusev, President, International and Russian Engineering Academy

Scientific and organization activities by academician A. Ishlinski

  • D.M. Klimov

Correction of the vestibular function under extremal conditions of the personal navigation

  • V.A. Sadovnichii
  • V.V. Alexandrov
  • T.B. Alexandrova
  • D.I. Bugrov
  • S.S. Lemak (Russia)
  • E. Soto (Mexico)
  • A. Shkel (USA)

Gyroscopes of the beginning of the 21st century

  • V.G. Peshekhonov

Dry friction two-d model

  • V.Ph. Zhuravlev

Navigation problem in airborne gravimetry

  • N.A. Parusnikov
  • Yu.V. Bolotin
  • A.A. Golovan

Some problems of stability of periodic motions of a heavy rigid body with a fixed point

  • A.P. Markeev

Global change in the outer space caused by human activities in low earth orbits.

  • N.N. Smirnov

A.Yu. Ischlinski – specialist in the mechanics of strength

  • E.I. Schemyakin

Ideas and results by A.Yu.Ischlinski in plasticity

  • D.D. Ivlev

Bounded steady rotation of two initially pressed elastic and rigid disks

  • A.F. Ulitko
  • V.I. Ostrik

Cracks with partial contact of their surfaces

  • R.V. Goldstein

Asymptotic and singular solutions in the vicinity of maximum shear surfaces

  • S. Alexandrov

Symposium on small satellites


  • V. Oraevsky
  • V. Alekseev

System of small satellites of the state program “Vulcan” for monitoring natural and man-made disasters

  • V.N. Oraevsky
  • R.S. Salikhov
  • V.A. Alekseev
  • K.A. Boyarchuk
  • V.A. Danilkin
  • V.V.Dokukin

Lidar aerosol investigations from space (modern state)

  • G.G. Matvienko

The use of the deep structure of the tectonosphere from satellite magnetic data

  • N.M. Rotanova
  • A.L. Kharitonov

Monitoring the ionosphere and atmosphere by radio transmission method chivania in the volcano project

  • Yu.Ya. Ruzhin
  • V.N. Oraevsky
  • V.M. Sinelnikova
  • S.I. Andrievsky

Tectonic aerosols and cloudy: tracing fractures crimea and taman peninsula. Connection of earthquakes with thunderstorms

  • V.A. Alekseev
  • N.G. Alekseeva
  • T.N. Bibikova
  • T.A. Proskuryakova
  • A.D. Lehenka

Registration of magnetospheric signals of ground vlf-transmitters on the sub-satellite "Magion-3" (project apex)

  • Ya.P. Sobolev
  • Yu.M. Mikhailov
  • O.V. Kapustina

Study of the mercury surface by electromagnetic methods.

  • V.N. Oraevsky
  • V.A. Alexeev
  • Yu.M. Mikhailov

Study of tectonic anomalies with thermovision lidar system

  • V. Alekseev
  • G. Matveenko

Predicters of strong earthquakes at long distance from epicenter

  • M.G. Daniyalov
  • R.A. Levkovich
  • I.A. Musaev

Measurement of collisions frequency in ionospheric plasma on small satellites by a method of a mutual impedance with usage of a linear miniantenna

  • Yu.M. Mikhailov
  • V.I. Gydook

Migration of trans-neptunian objects to the terrestrial planets

  • S.I. Ipatov

Possibility of preventing asteroid-comet dangers

  • A.S. Bashilov
  • M.Ya. Gofin
  • A.V. Zaitsev
  • K.A. Pobedonostsev
  • K.M. Pichkhadze

Study of the effect of artificial products on asteroids small size particles

  • Yu.M. Chudetsky

Studying the behavior of space bodies near the surface earth on the example of the Tunguska and Sikhote-Alin disaster and their laboratory simulation

  • V.A. Alekseev

Modern view on Tunguska geomagnetic effect

  • K. G. Ivanov

About the trajectory of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite

  • V.V. Merkalov
  • K.A. Zubanov
  • O.V. Frozen
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VI International Aerospace Congress
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Dedicated to the 75th Birth Anniversary of the First Astronaut of the Earth Yury Gagarin

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V International Aerospace Congress
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III International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2000

Dedicated to the 35th Anniversary of the First-Ever Spacewalk, to the 25th Anniversary of Cooperation in Space APOLLO – SOYUZ and 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding aircraft designer S.A. Lavochkin

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II International Aerospace Congress
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Dedicated to the 40th Anniversary of the launch of the First Artificial Satellite and to the 850th Anniversary of the founding of the City of Moscow

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I International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 1994

Dedicated to the 60th Birth Anniversary of the First Astronaut of the Earth Yury Gagarin

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