International Aerospace Congress

III International Aerospace Congress

III International Aerospace Congress

Dedicated to the 35th Anniversary of the First-Ever Spacewalk, to the 25th Anniversary of Cooperation in Space APOLLO – SOYUZ and 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding aircraft designer S.A. Lavochkin

Moscow. August 23 – 27, 2000

The Third International Aerospace Congress, which took place in Moscow, the capital of Russian Federation, on August 23-27, 2000, with such participants as distinguished scientists and specialists, heads of aerospace firms and agencies from different countries of the world, became an important stage in comprehension of conceptual problems of the scientific-technical progress in the most advanced field of human endeavor, as well as of specific priority engineering, economic, ecological and other problems. Solving these problems will in the closest future provide creation of a new generation of effective aviation-space systems and complexes.

After hearing and discussing more than 300 profound talks, 848 Participants of the Congress, representing 17 countries of the world, have in natural discussions formed the following most important general principles, which express their unanimous opinion on special features of the present stage of aviation and space development. Meetings of the Congress sections were held at Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The First Specialized Exhibition “AEROCOSMOS 2000” was held within the framework of the Congress.

Opening Ceremony of the Congress

International Program Committee

Chairman of the Organizing Committee:

  • Yu. Koptev, General Director of Rosaviakosmos

Chairman of the International Program Committee:

  • Yu. Osipov, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Congress Program

Plenary sessions

Space activities of Russia for the period until 2005

  • Yu.A.Koptev

Space geophysics and small satellites

  • V.N. Oraevsky

Reusable space transportation systems

  • G.E. Lozino-Lozinsky

The role of aerodynamics in creating efficient aerospace systems

  • V.G. Dmitriev

New generation integrated on-board equipment systems

  • G.I. Janjgava
  • G.I. Gerasimov
  • K.V. Shelepen
  • G.G. Kichigin
  • V.I. Sotnikov
  • Yu.N. Kosyakov
  • V.M. Sherman

Main directions of Ukrainian space programs

  • O.P. Fedorov

Experience of Khrunichev State Space Research and Production Center to ensure the reliability of launch vehicles spacecraft

  • A.I. Kiselev
  • A.K. Nedaivoda
  • V.F. Nagavkin

Israeli Space Agency in the 21st century

  • Yu. Neumann

New European Aerospace Corporation EDAS/ASTRUM

Small Satellite Symposium


  • V. N. Oraevsky
  • asteroid hazard
  • objects moving at high speed
  • problems of the Tunguska meteorite
  • small spacecraft:

    • new missions
    • studies of the Earth and the Sun

Program and Abstracts of the Congress

Seminar “Non-Governmental Organizations and the UN Economic and Social Council”

August 25, 2000

Small Hall of the State Duma

The seminar was organized at the proposal of the UN and with the assistance of the Advisory Council of Non-Governmental Organizations under the State Duma Committee on International Affairs. The seminar was chaired by Dr. Hanifa Mezooui, Head of the Non-Governmental Organizations Sector of the Department of Economic and Social Relations of the UN Economic and Social Council (NGOSection/DESA, ECOSOC, UN).

At the end of the seminar, Dr. Hanifa Mezoui met with the Chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the State Duma D. Rogozin

Exhibition «AEROCOSMOS 2000»

X International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2021

Dedicated to 60th Anniversary of the first in the history of mankind space flight by Yuri Gagarin

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IX International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2018

Dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the successful flight of the Buran orbital spaceship

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VIII International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2015

Dedicated to 50 years of the First-Ever Spacewalk and to 70 years of the United Nations

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VII International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2012

Dedicated to the 55th Anniversary of the launch of the First Artificial Satellite

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VI International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2009

Dedicated to the 75th Birth Anniversary of the First Astronaut of the Earth Yury Gagarin

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V International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 2006

Dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of the Orbital Launch of Space Station “MIR”

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IV International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, September 2003

Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of aviation

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II International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, September 1997

Dedicated to the 40th Anniversary of the launch of the First Artificial Satellite and to the 850th Anniversary of the founding of the City of Moscow

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I International Aerospace Congress
Moscow, August 1994

Dedicated to the 60th Birth Anniversary of the First Astronaut of the Earth Yury Gagarin

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